YouTube – Soon To Be Safe for Advertising Sales?

  • Posted by Steve Goldberg
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  • May 18, 2010

YouTube, a subsidiary of Google, is “growing up”, says the New York Times.  For so long, the website has been known primarily for snake/mongoose fights, skateboard-riding cats and dancing “geeks”.  Now, YouTube features a variety of more professional video that is drawing ever larger and more engaged audiences.  That variety of content appears to be turning YouTube, considered by many to be a risky investment when it was bought for $1.65 billion at the end of 2006, into one of Google’s smartest acquisitions.  The more professional video, the more opportunity for advertising sales.  “User generated content is always a risk,” cites Alex Baxter, Media Recruiting’s digital sales and marketing course leader.

Media jobs, like those related to ad sales and marketing positions, are growing now as it is.  Advances like those experienced by YouTube only serve to propel media recruitment opportunities.

Today, YouTube will celebrate its fifth birthday by announcing it has passed two billion video views a day.  Happy birthday.  Read more here: