Monday MashUp: The Weekend Digital Media Update

  • Posted by Steve Goldberg
  • |
  • March 14, 2011

It’s a busy week as major developments in the digital indsutry start to unfold. From the awaited release of the iPad 2 to Yahoo! selling Delicious, things will be changing… Yet again.

iPad 2 vs. Competitors: Battle of the Tablet Specs [INFOGRAPHIC]

This is a great article that gives an easy breakdown of the new iPad 2 features vs. the other guys (Samsung, LG, Motorola, and HP). So far it seems the iPad is beating out the competition in  terms of sales, but for the real tech savvy consumers, who aren’t shopping for a name, but rather a tablet that will truly meet their needs, it’s still in the air on who can really do that…

LinkedIn Launching Social News Product for Professionals

Linkedin is vying to be the ‘professional profile of record’ by adding a content portion to their offering.  LinkedIn will launch LinkedIn Today, a news aggregator that allows users to customize the news they receive based on their network, or even browse top stories in entire industries (and on the go with the LinkedIn Today app).

This is a way for LinkedIn to try and become more relevant and increase engagement, but I’m not sure how well this will actually do. LinkedIn seems like the kind of social site that people spend less time on (unlike Facebook) because it serves a more targeted purpose, and being casually social is not one of them. Will LinkedIn Today actually increase engagement, or will it fall only to those who already use LinkedIn religously (and those are not the majority of users)?

AOL Enters the App Business With Social Music App Play

AOL might be laying off some 900 employees, but they are still moving along. Friday AOL will introduce a new free Android application for music called Play. This mobile application will be similar to Pandora, where users can stream their music, but it will have a social layer that will allow users to ‘like,’ comment, and even build their music community.

The reality of this is this: I just don’t think it will work. Sure it will be a shiny new app for those avid music lovers, but does it and will it make an impact on AOL’s bottom line? Will enough people switch from Pandora and even MySpace’s social music graph to download and engage with this app? Only time will tell.

Yahoo May Have Just Sold Delicious for $5 Million [REPORT]

According to this report, Yahoo! may have just sold Delicious for Underwhelming $5 million to a close competitor. Besides the fact that it has been losing users to other sites due to the information leak back in December, will Delicious be able to monetize under new ownership? Or has the boat sailed?

Comments welcome! I’d love to hear your feedback or opinions on any of this.