Future of Mobile Ad Sales – iAd/Apps or Search?
- Posted by Steve Goldberg
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- August 2, 2010
This is a follow up to an earlier blog entry regarding how iAds will eclipse search in the long-run (iAd is a Game Changer). The future of Mobile Ad Sales is inextricably linked to the winner here.
Most remember that Apple’s Steve Jobs said in April that people aren’t searching on their phone, but instead, are using apps. He reasoned, apps on the iPhone “get you into every corner of the internet…This is a new phenomenon that is occurring on the iPhone for the first time in history.” In response, Google’s Mike Steib said this month at the paidContent Mobile event that’s “B.S ! That’s what I say to that.”
If Google’s right, then it’s a market in which they are destroying the competition. One year ago, its share of the mobile search market was 95.58 percent. Today, it’s 98.29 percent, reports Pingdon, which quotes information from StatCounter.
Full article here: People Use Mobile Search