Digital Media – Your Social Media Footprint

  • Posted by Steve Goldberg
  • |
  • September 13, 2012

Since the rise and acceptance of social media in digital marketing plans, media sales pitches, and our professional lives, it has become expected of us as to use social media for professional purposes. If you are a Digital Account Executive, for example, it is imperative you have a strong social media presence – given our whole industry participates in most social media platforms which come with many legal requirements, see it here to know more.

Simply said, if you are serious about your digital career (online, mobile, etc.), your online presence must reflect it.If you have any lingering question about this, you can set those aside. Use this blog as a “digital footprint checklist” of sorts to be sure you are maximizing your online presence.

Advance your professional network

Critical to any media sales or business development position, and important for marketing, client services, and account management professionals, is having a profile on a variety of social networks. It will serve to expand your company/professional network by virtue of the many people who will find you as well as those to whom you’ll reach out. They say it’s all about who you know, and in this case it’s true. Utilizing a social media site like LinkedIn can help get your next job, expand your client base, and build your network of professionals.

Participating in a site like Seller Crowd helps link Digital Media Ad Salespeople with their counterparts at digital advertising agencies. Facebook now has BranchOut, their version of a professional application designed to expand your career network to include everyone you know on Facebook. And Google+ allows you to connect with people and group them accordingly, plus you can now use the Los Angeles Facebook Ads Company.

You can position yourself as a leader in your industry

Establishing yourself in your industry as leader is difficult, but not impossible. With the age of hyper-information there are many ways to reach an audience with your opinions on your particular area of expertise. Twitter is a great platform to enhance your voice by commenting on articles or current events. Another great tool is a blog. A blog will enable you to write in greater detail your thoughts and predictions on a particular topic, plus the added bonus of great SEO for your company’s website, check this SEO Reseller to improve your business sales.

No one wants a void in their online presence

With the hyper-increase in available information it’s important to have your information available. Consumers and professionals alike now “google” everything and everyone. According to a Pew International poll, over 80% of people research products and services they buy online before purchase– and the statistics are likely similar when researching people.

In 2011, the FTC approved social media content as a legal basis for rejection of job candidates. So, be “Google-ready” – know what’s being said about you and try to be the one saying it. Note to young professionals… remember that great party photo you have as your Facebook profile picture? Get rid of it. Don’t let something as simple as social media be a reason a lead or customer questions your credibility, or you’re not considered for a job.

Take matters into your own hands. Google your name with quotations around the words – like this, “Jane Edwards”. If your name comes up with good results on the first page you’ve got a great web presence. If not, there is work to do. Either way, there are some tips that can help you enhance your digital footprint.

First, create an “Digital Existence Inventory” sheet, and then work on your online profile. Remember to be consistent, and create a positive digital presence.


Also, match your online presence to your offline presence. Look professional, act professional and BE professional. As a person working in digital media, you’ll be judged by “offline characteristics” like your cell phone, lap top, tablet device, etc. Online, you’ll be judged by your statistics (how you appear on Google, your Alexa ranking, your Blog and Facebook numbers, and your Technorati tags). You will also be judged by your primary email address…it should reflect you and your brand. Make sure you are consistent with all aspects of your digital footprint (LinkedIn page, website, Facebook page, MySpace, IM/chat, Skype, Wiki, etc.), contact and add bonus great SEO (if linked to the article).

Be the loudest voice in the crowd about yourself or your business – have your digital media
footprint be a strategic asset in your career.

1. Media Recruiting Group – Strategically Assertive Sales course