Digital Media Sellers and the “Fine Art of Navigating Client/Agency Dynamics”

  • Posted by Steve Goldberg
  • |
  • September 22, 2013

Digital media and media technology sellers were treated to an article by Brian McFarland, VP Eastern Sales for GumGum, the in-image ad solutions company.  He outlines in very simple terms a system for increasing sales.  I have known Brian for years, and he has a keen talent for seeing both the art and science of digital sales, and translating this into successful strategies and tactics.  His “5×7” template is only one example.

Looking to grow your digital media business?  Take a page out of Brian’s book.

True partnerships are based on communication and trust and grow when each piece of the account is engaged in some strategic way. When it comes time for that big marketing planning meeting to decide who makes the plan, your company, product and solution can only prevail if you’ve done the work required to develop relationships with each of the stakeholders, including:

1.  the client themselves (brand managers, in-house media teams, etc.)
2.  the media planning and buying agency
3.  the strategy team/agency
4.  the creative agency
5.  the mobile team
6.  the Hispanic team or agency partner
7.  the social media and PR teams

Read the entire article at Media Post.